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Texas Bride (2012)

Texas Bride (2012)

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2.74 of 5 Votes: 8
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0345527445 (ISBN13: 9780345527448)

About book Texas Bride (2012)

I'm really waffling as to how to rate this book. I can't decide whether it should be 3 or 4 stars, though the more I think about it, it should be somewhere in between. Though I could change my mind. Hmm, yeah, I'm undecided. LOLWhether three or four though, the point is, I really liked this book. I'd never read anything by this author before but this won't be my last read by her. The story was well developed and it was truly heartbreaking in certain parts. Both the MCs had suffered so much loss in their lives. Actually, most of the characters had lost a lot. But the hardships they faced were common, sadly, back then. And I am so glad that Miranda's jerk of an uncle was revealed to be the douche he is. The series order states this is the first in the Mail Order Brides series, but #9 in the Bitter Creek series. That had me a bit confused but I think these books are prequels to the Bitter Creek books. Or at least this one is. (The hero is a Creed and his step dad is a Blackthorne. BUt the Bitter Creek Novels seem to be contemporaries. I think.) Maybe someone out there can help me out with this? And please correct me if I'm wrong!*This book was a self purchase. All opinions are my own.* This was the first book I've read by Joan Johnson. I liked the premise of a mail-order bride marrying a husband who only wanted an amicable relationship not an intimate one.Miranda becomes a mail-order bride at 18 when she is forced to leave the orphanage in Chicago. She secretly takes her 10 and 4 year old brothers with her to spare them from more torture by the evil woman running the orphanage. Jake is a rancher trying to eke out an existence in Texas. His wife died in childbirth and he needs a mother for his two-year-old daughter. He never thought his mail-order bride would be so irresistible. While the book was written with plenty of historical detail and believable characters I never felt drawn into the story. I don't know why, but I couldn't get emotionally vested in either Jake of Miranda.There wasn't as much conflict as I had expected. The only thing Jake and Miranda fought about what intimacy, and Miranda seemed a little too perfect for my taste.Jake's father-in-law started out as a good villain wanting to steal his land, but halfway through the story he disappeared completely and when he reappeared nothing was settled with his relationship with Jake. Miranda's rich uncle also is a bit of antagonist but it seemed thrown in at the end.This book is the start of a series. The other books will follow Miranda's sisters, but I'm not sure I will read them. I might try a different series by Joan Johnson instead.

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Awful. Nothing believable about it and nothing remotely sympathetic.

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