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Ten Beach Road (2011)

Ten Beach Road (2011)

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3.83 of 5 Votes: 2
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042524086X (ISBN13: 9780425240861)
Berkley Trade

About book Ten Beach Road (2011)

Madeline, Avery and Nikki are all left without money after a Ponzi scheme takes all of their money. All they are left with is 1/3 of a dilapidated house in Florida. They all go to Florida planning to sell it. When they see it, they realize that it can't be sold without a lot of work. They decide to do the work themselves - since they can't afford to hire anyone to do it and in the process they become friends and learn all about each other. Add to the book a useless husband, jealous contractor, pregnant daughter, estranged mother and various other side stories and you have a perfect beach read. Its a fun book to read - nothing too deep but just fun. If you can accept the premise of three strangers working together on a dilapidated mansion in an attempt to get their lives back on track and make enough money for them to live on, then you should enjoy this novel. It is a novel about how circumstances do not always turn out as we would like and how friendships spring from unlikely beginnings. I loved how Madeline, the one who had been a stay at home mum for years was the one who proved to be most practical in getting the three woman and the renovations organised. I really liked her as a character and also Avery. Nicole I didn’t warm to near as much. In fact I found her downright annoying most of the time. While I enjoyed it I felt at times it seemed a little disjointed and the negative banter between Chase and Avery got a bit wearing. That said, overall this is a fun read.

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