I'm sure it's not the first time Sarah Salway has left me a bit puzzled and I don't think it will be the last - which leads me to believe it's something she does very well.I never get quite what I'm expecting from her books - they can appear so lightweight and chick-litty but something deeper and darker lurks within. And so it was here.But I struggled to make the connections that I felt surely must be there under the surface. I felt like each character was a Russian doll - with multiple layers, each I unpacked and examined and put back together - each was happy rattling with their secret selves - but I couldn't trace the lines that connected them together - so often they seemed to be talking to themselves or glancing off of each other.In total, I enjoyed the book - thought it was well written - but worry that I've missed something. As such I've passed it on to a fellow reader who's view I trust and hope that with discussing we can thrash our way to a better understanding. Surely in itself this is not a fail but actually the sign of a good book if you don't want to just let it go...