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Tea With Hezbollah: Sitting At The Enemies Table Our Journey Through The Middle East (2010)

Tea with Hezbollah: Sitting at the Enemies Table Our Journey Through the Middle East (2010)

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0307588270 (ISBN13: 9780307588272)
Doubleday Religion

About book Tea With Hezbollah: Sitting At The Enemies Table Our Journey Through The Middle East (2010)

Jesus gave us two great commandments when he was on earth. Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. These commandments seems so easy, but the ability to forgive your neighbor for past transgressions is really hard. Ted Dekker journeyed through the middle east meeting with our enemies to see if we could really love them as our neighbors.This book is really amazing. its one of those books that will change your perception on the middle east. After reading this I have come to the conclusion that there is no black and white there, just different shades of grey. Be a Samaritan, love God and your neighbor as yourself even if enemy, Cairo writes law and rights via 450K students Saudi lives and Lebanon fights, 85% Sunni, Cairo 40% poverty 20M 2-3 set clothes luxury, view America controlling whole and no one fairly, interesting what said and what not, Coptic Christians St Mark, Moslem Citadel, Koran respect Jesus and honor Mary and love justice, Saudi perspective of power re men women, laugh from your belly, do not listen to American media, Lebanon Muslims Christians divisive, Jerusalem most divided 4K years only changed hands twice peacefully 118 conflicts 44 captures, truth is timeless, no turn other cheek, lemonade with Samaritan put down dice and love one another, Nicole story parable, lift mend pay.

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The perspective of this book, based on interviews is insightful.

An incredibly insightful tour of the Middle East.

made me want to move to the middle east

It's worth reading and contemplating.

Fascinating read.

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