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Taste Of Magic, A (2013)

Taste of Magic, A (2013)

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147780658X (ISBN13: 9781477806586)
Montlake Romance

About book Taste Of Magic, A (2013)

Elizabeth (Liz) Stevens, joint owner of ‘A Taste of Magic’ bakery is having a horrible birthday. Not only is it the first anniversary of when her two-timing rat of an ex-husband left her for another women, she is actually baking the wedding cake for his upcoming marriage to said floozy! Her wacky Grandma Verda comes by with a birthday card that has a surprise in it – a bit of an electric shock and some sparks – and other than that, nothing! Well it’s not actually nothing, what Grandma Verda has given Liz is the Gypsy magic that has been passed down from woman to woman for generations. Of course Liz doesn’t realise that she has been empowered and as she stirs the mixture for her ex-husbands wedding cake she wishes that he is impotent for his honeymoon. With her newly acquired Gypsy power whenever Liz makes a wish while baking it will come true. Of course the results are not always predictable so while she hones her skills she spends a lot of time trying to undo the chaos she causes. I enjoyed this light and fluffy read, and if you read a paranormal romance and expect rocket science then you are going to be disappointed. I didn’t expect rocket science – so wasn’t disappointed! A TASTE OF MAGIC is a debut book and the first of a series. It has a good plausible plot, great pacing, humour and lots of magic. Liz really grows as a character during the story which I always like to see – and I loved how she first meets her love interest Nate. Liz has had a night out and is a tad tipsy and can’t find her front door key. She decides to climb through her bathroom window and gets stuck, so her head is in the house – and her bum in the air outside. Nate is a policeman so thinks she is a criminal breaking in. As with all good romantic plots there is attraction and then a misunderstanding before the HEA can occur. There are quite a few backstories going on with the ex-husband, Liz’s partner, her sister and also with her best friend which are all tied up before the end of the book. If I can get my hands on the next few in the series I will happily read them – but there doesn’t seem to be e-book versions although this version is an e-book. Really a book for the ladies, not really 'smut' necessarily, but.... close. lol.I just read the back, and decided that maybe it would be a light and fun easy read.It was $2 at Wal-Mart so I figured, Hell, Why not!There are some funny parts in it.She's a divorce' who is having a hard time moving on with life.Has had to learn the hard way what kindof sex toys she likes, "thank goodness for websites and plain brown packages" she says. lol.Her Grandmother passes onto her a gift of magic, which comes out for Elizabeth when she is baking, which her life's work and her passion. (Hence the name of the book)Before she learns about this gift, she inadvertently casts a spell on her ex-husband while baking the wedding cake for his new marriage. Won't tell you what, but it's a little funny.I would just read it if your looking for an easy, quirky fun read. Its definately not 'deep', although there is a moral to the story. Which I took as, keep your eyes and your ears open, and think before you speak, or you may end up pushing your loved one away, and think it's all their fault.Like I said, not really a deep book, not one that I'd say to spend more then $2 on, but, might be a good read if your bored and waiting for the next edition of your fav series to come out.Check your local library for it though! lol. Easy is best with this one. Sad but true I think.CJW

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This was an okay story. I was fairly entertained.

HORRIBLE! I want my time back!

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