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Talking With God: Divine Conversations That Transform Daily Life (2010)

Talking with God: Divine Conversations That Transform Daily Life (2010)

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1606416545 (ISBN13: 9781606416549)
Deseret Book

About book Talking With God: Divine Conversations That Transform Daily Life (2010)

I was hesitant to pick up this book because I didn't think I had much to learn about prayer. I figured prayer was basic and the only thing I needed to improve was to pray more often and not so distractedly. I was very wrong. I am so glad I didn't talk myself out of reading this. It was so insightful. I was greatly humbled by this man's inspirational thoughts and I learned so much from his words of wisdom. In the introduction, Brother Millet discusses all the reasons why we pray and I liked all of them but there was one statement that greatly affected me. Brother Millet writes, "For the unconverted, prayer may seem a burden or at best a duty. But for the seasoned Saint, one who has begun to grow up in the Lord and mature in the gifts and fruit of the Spirit, prayer is a blessed opportunity, a consummate privilege, a remarkable honor for a finite, fallen creature to be allowed and even commanded to communicate with an infinite, pure, and glorified Being." Millet claims that this is a 300 page book condensed to 130. But it reads like a 50 page pamphlet stretched and tortured until it could be called a book. There are some great insights early on (mostly quotes from other authors) but Millet rambles too much in a pseudo-General Authority tone. Might be OK if read as a series of devotionals, but overall it feels like a money grab. I'd like my 14 bucks back.

Do You like book Talking With God: Divine Conversations That Transform Daily Life (2010)?

Brief, insightful look at prayer. Increased my desire to commune with God in meaningful prayer.

Clear and with lots of practical help--insightful,spiritual

One of the best books about prayer that I've ever read.

It's so simple, but I have really enjoyed this book.

Wonderful thoughts on improving our prayers!

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