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Tagged: The Apocalypse (2000)

Tagged: The Apocalypse (2000)

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4.35 of 5 Votes: 3
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About book Tagged: The Apocalypse (2000)

Ok, first of all.... how is this book getting 5 star reviews? I'm not saying it's horrible, as it's a quick read and keeps you wanting to find out what happens, but it's nowhere near astounding. I found quite a few things lacking, which was mostly the sense of attachment to characters. Then others had no depth whatsoever, even if you're reading their viewpoints. I felt detached from mostly everyone, except the dog. lol. Don't get me wrong, it's not a terrible read, but coming from someone who's read many zombie/apocolypse stories, this doesn't come close in comparison to other stories in the genre. The As the World Dies trilogy by Rhiannon Frater will always be my favorite zombie read, so I have high standards. Good attempt for a first novel, though. This book far exceeds the usual zombie fiction hype that’s sweeping the nation. A thrilling mix between George Orwell and the writing young adults crave today is exactly what Joseph Chiron has pulled off. While the book strongly expresses the views held in Christianity, it’s not overwhelming as many stories are in the religious fiction genre.Creative and refreshing writing style, the strong character development, and the underlying of the dystopian future that just may be ahead. Chiron mixes several genres to come up with a non-stop action, heart-racing, just can’t put it down book!

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There is nothing like a good zombie book and this is one of the best! I enjoyed it immensely!

The Good: Exciting, fast-paced book. The Bad: Lack of character development, poor ending.

It scared me how realistic this was........Great read..........

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Scary concept.

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