The subtitle says: "An Artist's Devotion" and it truly is. I LOVE this book. It is so neat, and so different from what I was expecting when I picked this up. The basic concept of the book is highlighting through artwork the different types of swords throughout the ages. Tidbits of fact blend beautifully with the highly artistic swords. All types of swords are drawn, from the very plain to the highly ostentacious. Although listed as a children's book, it is perfect for anyone who loves swords (fantastical and historical)! All boys, and likely some girls I’m sure, were weapon enthusiasts at some point or another. All heroes use some sort of weapon, and the sword is one of the most used. This book draws very heavily from that and shows every known type of sword, with detailed description about the blade, what sort of people would use them, and how said blade was made. Every sword featured in this book is beautifully drawn, with details so well shown one could almost mistake it for a photograph. For anyone who wants to learn about swords and their history, this book is a must read.
Do You like book Swords: An Artist's Devotion (2008)?
fun book about many frequently occurring swords from history
One of my favorite books this year. A feast for the eyes.