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Sweet Irish Kiss (2000)

Sweet Irish Kiss (2000)

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3.36 of 5 Votes: 1
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About book Sweet Irish Kiss (2000)

Crap, I just realized I never rated this here...I downloaded this for a quick lunch time read, figuring it would be a cute, sexy story.(head desk)It's a mess, a red hot mess.We're supposed to believe that Shaun is this nice guy trying to get over his ex wife, testing the waters of dating before jumping in the pool.And Rachel is trying to work through her trust issues with men. Her Daddy was a philanderer. And they've joined this dating service for one night stands.Ok, sure, why not? I've enjoyed stories built on flimsier foundations.But where this book finally reaches face palm depths is when the sex starts.SERIOUSLY? She's working through trust issues like this?Because I'd say there is a HIGH DEGREE of trust involved in what these two do, I know MARRIED couples who havent let the horse that far out of the barn!Since there is absolutely no build up to the sexy, it's NOT erotic. It's dirtypiratehooker porn with cringe worthy dialogue. (and a magic fashion fairy)And surprise! somewhere amongst the acrobatics and non-existant boundries they make a soul connection.Pass on it. There are much better, MUCH hotter books out there.And you wont need brain bleach to get the images out of your head. This is a short story about a gorgeous and charming man, who has not time to date, and a gorgeous woman who has commitment issues, that meet through a web for having nightstands.I couldn't connect with either of them, specially with Rachel who goes from shy and rude because of her nerves to a sex bombshell who can’t wait to have sex in about ten minutes. So when they just jump to have inhibited sex, it didn’t feel right. Maybe the problem is that the story is too short to build this kind of connection with the reader. Maybe for other readers none is needed.My giving up line: “Fuck me, Shaun. I want to feel your cock spasm in joy when it’s still tucked tight inside of me”. I like dirty talking but this, and for a first date, well I don't know how to qualify it.

Do You like book Sweet Irish Kiss (2000)?

a truly romantic short story, well written with great, believable dialogue. a lot of fun!

Loved the characters, much more realistic than you sometimes get.

Steamin' Hot Short!

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