About book Surviving Hitler: The Unlikely True Story Of An SS Soldier And A Jewish Woman (2014)
WWII survival stories are a genre I am drawn to. I say often that learning about great people inspires me. I truly believe that some of the greatest human treasures, aside from our Savior of course, were on this earth through that horrifying time. Their determination to endure through unthinkable evil, their sometimes wavering but always present faith, their capacity to maintain compassion in a world surrounded by self-preservation, their courage to act even amongst crippling fear, and their ability to cope and hope when death, destruction, and horror are all that they see on a constant unending day to day basis causes me to wonder about and honor the greatness of their souls. This book was touching beyond words. For me, it rates up there with The Hiding Place and We Were Not Alone; two books that have had profound influence on who I am. Surviving Hitler was unique for me because I seen the war through a 'Hitler Soilder.' I came to understand that many of these men were beautiful and wonderful and simply faced injustice and were also lied to by this very evil man. I love how these two beautiful people told their stories free of much emotion. Actually, this might be a complaint for some. It bothered me a little at first but then I realized the gift it actually was! They sort of had the ability to get out of the readers way and let them experience the situations for themselves and form their own opinions. It was very humbling for me to read about the miracles of safety and protection that occurred and understand them to be such for myself. It was touching and I found myself wiping away tears many times through my reading. At the end of the book as the son is addressing us you come to understand that in writing this way they were honoring who they were. Quoting their son: "Humbly and quietly, Papa performed the tasks that were presented to him...He never raised his voice or moralized over the things we did. We knew what was right and wrong, and therefore we often had the answers to our uncertainty. His attitude was, 'You know your self what you should do'....And since the resolutions to most quandaries were self-evident and easy for Papa and Mama, we children were influenced to follow a similar path." They were champions of agency! Oh to be like these wonderful people!I absolutely LOVED the theme of Christlike love that permeated the book and found it so fitting and profound that Overcoming Through Love was their families moto. Charity is powerful it is necessary, this book proves it. And as the scriptures say: "for if he have not charity he is nothing." Moroni 7:44May we all follow Gustav's and Agnes's example and Moroni's counsel: "Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be purified even as he is pure."Moroni 7:48 Yet another amazing story of survival during World War II. That a Jewish woman who survived the concentration camps could meet and fall in love with an SS Soldier is quite remarkable, but really a small part of what this book is about. I have never read a survival story from this time period that sites so many references to promptings, miracles, and tender mercies from our Father in Heaven--in both Agnes's and Gustav's lives. Agnes's ability to serve others, show compassion, and feel divine peace at different times throughout her experience is amazing.
Do You like book Surviving Hitler: The Unlikely True Story Of An SS Soldier And A Jewish Woman (2014)?
A marvelous example of Christianity, love, hope, marriage and life after the holocaust.
Only read half of the book... Was to interested in the Selection Series.