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Stroke Of Genius (2010)

Stroke of Genius (2010)

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3.64 of 5 Votes: 1
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0843963611 (ISBN13: 9780843963618)

About book Stroke Of Genius (2010)

Steamy...I like it!I was surprised by how much I liked this story. The whole genius artist meets American in London didn't really interest me. But I thought I would try it out and Im glad I did! This author really knows how to weave a scene and put you under a spell. I liked all the seductiveness in it. Everything was nice and steamy but very tastefully done.It did feel like the ending was a little abrupt and I would have liked an epilogue.But still a great read...check it out!! Stroke of genius is a great historical romance that has a touch of humor and enough "ooh la la" to keep a secret smile on your face. I loved the characters, they each had there own personality to make them a real player in the book. I loved the build up of the book and was engaged to the end. Unfortunately, the end was a little too abrupt for my taste, but that didn't detract from the story as a whole. Stroke of genius is definitely worth your time.

Do You like book Stroke Of Genius (2010)?

very good book. liked the h and H! the sex scene was good, the build up was good.

Some cute moments, interesting at times.


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