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Striking Back: The 1972 Munich Olympics Massacre And Israel's Deadly Response (2005)

Striking Back: The 1972 Munich Olympics Massacre and Israel's Deadly Response (2005)

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1400064279 (ISBN13: 9781400064274)
random house

About book Striking Back: The 1972 Munich Olympics Massacre And Israel's Deadly Response (2005)

To be fair, the book did seem to be well researched and well written. But, it was not quite what I expected and I did not enjoy reading it and it left me with a sour feeling. The book is about the horrible 72 Munich olympics massacre and Isreal's response (well, no surprise there, that's all in the title). But, I didn't realize that the Massacre probably could have been avoided or at least lessened if the host country had handled things differently. For just one example, one of the guys killed died of smoke inhalation while the firefighters stood by and did nothing, didn't even try to put out the fire. These were obviously not NY firefighters. Also, I expected the response to be that Israel would hunt down and kill the three guys who were directly involved who lived and were let go by West Germany and then Isreal would find out who was behind the attack and assisinate them too. But no, most of those guys are still living. Israel went after guys who were less involved in terrorism but easier to get to. And more than one person was killed who was totally and completely innocent but either in the wrong place at the wrong time or who was mistaken for someone else. UGG all around. Well, one good thing about reading this book was that this was a book that my husband actually read also so we could talk about it. Although it was sort of a depressing talk.

This is a difficult story to tell, mainly because reality is much less dramatic than the myth surrounding this episode in history. Firstly, most of the initial assassinations in the wake of Munich were low-level logistical support people who probably were not even involved in the original massacre. On balance, aside from Ali Hassan Salameh, the goal of revenge, as the title "Striking Back" suggests, was never really achieved (and even that his involvement disputed by some of Klein's sources). I suppose that is a bitter reality of any anti-terrorist effort. However, the book really loses its way after the "Spring of Youth" operation in Beirut, as the original story line of punishing the perpetrators of Munich fades into the more humdrum and bloody story of tit-for-tat killings after attacks. Once again, probably not the author's fault but rather a testament to the honesty with which a difficult story is told.

Do You like book Striking Back: The 1972 Munich Olympics Massacre And Israel's Deadly Response (2005)?

It tells the story, with remarkable detail, the tragedy of the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich. Eleven members of the Israeli delegation were taken hostage and then executed by members of the terror group Black September. It shows the ineptitude of the German officials in handling the situation. From here the Israelis respond with an undercover operation in which combatants are charged with execution orders passed down from each prime minister beginning with Golda Meir. These combatants, or Mossad, identify assassination targets for their part in the Munich incident and carry them out. The program matures into a counter terror campaign whose intent is proactivity.This book is well-researched and written. In the beginning, I felt discomfort, for it forced me to relive those awful and tense moments in 1972. At times it dragged on because of its redundant nature. It is still a good read. It shows the determination of the rebels who feel displaced and the determination of a small nation intent on defending itself. It brought to light the ineptitude of dealing with these conditions at that time.
—Gerald Kinro

"Striking Back" provides a good background on the Israeli - Palestinian conflict which endures to this day. The book centers on the 1972 Munich Olympic massacre of the Israeli olympic team, and details a number of security failings of the Munich authorities which allowed the events to unfold as they did. Klein then tells the story of Israel's policy of preventive assassinations of the leaders of the Black September terrorists wing, using archived files of Israel's security forces. Unfortunately, you also get a sense of the endless cycle of attack and revenge on both sides, with a peaceful solution apparently still many generations away.

A fascinating look at Israels' response to the terrorist attack at the 1972 Olympic games. First, the author gives a detailed account of the events in Munich. His description of the attempt to rescue the hostages at the airport, puts the blame squarely on the Bavarian authorities. It is sad how poorly the operation was planned and executed. This is contrasted with the job the Israeli counter-terrorist unit did in rescuing hostages from an El Al flight. This book describes the extraordinary work

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