Bernard loves curling up to go to sleep. But there is one little problem. Bernard snores...LOUDLY! So loudly that he keeps all of the otters awake during nap time. So loudly that Grumpy Giles tells Bernard to move his snoring somewhere else! Sad and lonely, Bernard tries sleeping in new places far away from the other otters: in a lake, in puddles, in a fountain. But no matter where he tries to nap, somebody complains. He just wants to hear two words: "Goodnight, Bernard!"SubjectsOtters -- Juvenile fiction.Snoring -- Juvenile fiction.Zoo animals -- Juvenile fiction.Zoos -- Juvenile fiction. A likable little book about an otter with a snoring problem. After being banished by the other otters for sawing his logs too loudly, Bernard looks for another place to lay his head. After disturbing the alligators, giraffes, and elephants, Bernard finally finds a spot that will work - a cave. But when their loud friend is nowhere to be found, the otters realize they want Barnard back.The acrylic artwork, full of thick outlines and hand-lettering, lends an amiable quality to the proceedings. -TJ
Do You like book Stop Snoring, Bernard! (2011)?
Somebody ought to get that otter some breathe right strips! Really very cute!
Super sweet story and illustrations. Excited to read this book in storytimes!
A charming story sure to leave a smile on any reader's face.