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Stone Rabbit #1: BC Mambo (2009)

Stone Rabbit #1: BC Mambo (2009)

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3.4 of 5 Votes: 4
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0375939229 (ISBN13: 9780375939228)
Random House Books for Young Readers

About book Stone Rabbit #1: BC Mambo (2009)

A rabbit who lives a pretty normal life discovers a hole in his bathroom floor that leads back to the Prehistoric era where a neanderthal has plans to take over the world if he could just figure out the recipe of barbeque sauce!A fast-paced kids comic book that is funny and features the best kind of bad guy: one that is powerful yet completely ridiculous.Recommended for grades 2-4, and as a readalike for the Captain Underpants series. This little bunny wakes up and when he is done eating he brushes his teeth. He had barbecue sauce in his bathroom when he spilled it everywhere he pulls the rug that all full of barbecue sauce and there was a hole!! When he slips into the hole he falls on a nest with eggs. The world was very weird to the little rabbit. He ran for his life until he fell into a large lake. When all the sudden a dinosaur scoops him up! When he falls a meets this boy, the boy says hey what is that? It was the barbecue sauce he wanted a taste he loved it but when he started to like to much of it he thought he should but it with his little resturant he is planing on making. But when it gets a little crazy the little bunny fights for freedom of the other rabbits and the boy fights for that barbecue sauce! Who do you think is gonna win?????I loved the first book of this series I hope the rest of the books in your series are just like this. If I would ask any questions to Erik Craddock I would ask him do you enjoy writing books? Another question would be do you think people would like this book because I sure did?! My final question would be how many more books will you be writing in this series?

Do You like book Stone Rabbit #1: BC Mambo (2009)?

Again Cute one...But I liked the second one more ^___^Still worth a look .... XD XD

This was kind of funny, but a little hard to read. The graphics were really busy.

A little choppy - at times hard to follow.

really funny also a great kids book

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