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Stone Cold Seduction (2011)

Stone Cold Seduction (2011)

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3.88 of 5 Votes: 4
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1937044254 (ISBN13: 9781937044251)
Entangled Publishing, LLC

About book Stone Cold Seduction (2011)

This book started off really well. The characters are different and I love the fact that it's not your average run-off-the-mill urban fantasy with vampires.It has phoenixes and gargoyle's . The introduction and build up of the story was brilliant. The start really reeled me in and got me very excited.Then the insta-relationship(?) between Jax and Elledora came up. This relationship made me very uneasy. There was no build up except for the fact that she thought he was hot. I'm sure lots of relationships start off like that but the fact that she trusted him and started thinking of the L word didn't go down well with me. I just didn't get the relationship . Fortunately the Jax-Elledora relationship is just a part of this novel. The best part about this novel are the various twists and turns and Elle's friendship with Teryl. I also enjoyed the flashbacks .There is a love triangle but it's not a full fledged one yet. I think it will definitely be a major plot point in the second book but I'm actually looking forward to it. I for one want Elle to get with MacLean. (Team MacLean FTW!) The Jax-Elle relationship just doesn't seem real and felt a little botched up to me.MacLean and Elle have a history and I can't wait to find out more about it.The story is always affected by how good the villain is and this book has an EVIL villain.You actually feel scared of him. Elle's father is a formidable opponent for her and that is what helps to keep this story interesting.Towards the end the pace slips up a little bit and I got disconnected with the story but that doesn't mean that I've lost interest in the characters.I'm still interested in getting my hands on the sequel!Overall, this book is full of adventure and is unpredictable but it has it faults. I expected much more from it. You ever read a book and afterwords think, "Whoa? What did I just read?" Well, that's exactly what happened with me when I read Stone Cold Seduction. I'll admit that I normally like a stronger heroine, but there is something steadfast hidden beneath the loveable Elle. I can't explain it, but she's "real" in a way that some heroines don't come across. We all have fears that we can't explain and Elle has some definite issues, but that's okay, that's what makes her awesome. Then there are the two men in her life that make the story oh so yummy. I'm telling you, Jax is so smokin' hot, I was screaming at the book when I reached the end. You have to read it to know why. I love it when an author grabs me so deeply in the characters life that I find myself wanting to reach inside the book and give the heroine a purple-nurple. It means that they've done their job. I'm as angsty as the conflict and I love it. There's a very sweet and sad backstory layered into this Uf that is original and almost old world feeling, but it makes me root for the other guy in a big way--even though I love the sexy gargoyle. Ugh! I hate when an author does that--you know, makes you love both the heroes and you can't decide which is the best. Grrr... It means that I'll love Elle for who she chooses and hate her too. This truly is a fab book with action, pain, love, hot sex, and everything else you want in a fab UF! I can't wait for the sequel. Ms. Macallan, could you hurry it up please? I'm dying over here! I'd absolutely recommend this book if you love authors such as Jeaniene Frost-Halfway to the Grave (Night Huntress, Book 1), Laurell K Hamilton-Guilty Pleasures (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter), and even the newer Allison PangA Brush of Darkness.

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Great new series with lots of potential! Can't wait to read the next book =D

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