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Stolen World: A Tale Of Reptiles, Smugglers, And Skulduggery (2011)

Stolen World: A Tale of Reptiles, Smugglers, and Skulduggery (2011)

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0307381471 (ISBN13: 9780307381477)

About book Stolen World: A Tale Of Reptiles, Smugglers, And Skulduggery (2011)

I'm not a huge reptile fanatic (in fact, I stay far away from reptiles) so this was a fascinating look into an area I am not very familiar with.The story of reptile smuggling is a fascinating one. The history of reptile smuggling goes way back, with no sign of slowing down. It was fascinating to read about the ways that the smuggling has advanced and regressed throughout the years and the way that the government tries to stop the smuggling. It was also interesting to get some of the information straight from the guys who were bringing the reptiles into the United States from other countries and hearing their perspectives on the trade.The writing in this book was pleasant to read. Smith does a really good job of illustrating the events to the reader in a way that allows them to feel as if they were actually there. The author also does a really good job of describing the characters in the story in ways that allow the reader to visualize the characters and feel as if they actually know the character. The author also writes in a good, journalistic style that is easy and pleasing to read.I would recommend this book for those interested in reptiles, conservation, or smuggling. This is definitely one of those books that is a quick and informative read that can be enjoyed by many. When I was in my reptile geek phase in the late '80s-early'90s, I salivated over those mailed price lists (like the Christmas wishbook for herp collectors), went to "swaps," hung around with Nashville's reptile people both reputable and dis-, the whole deal. Tom Crutchfield's legend had seeped into the cracks that were the smallest specialty pet stores by then, a rouge with a vaguely illegal taint even before he'd been convicted of anything.Ms. Smith brings that legend to vivid life, a vain, ambitious, hair-trigger, undereducated Floridian who made his dream of crashing the elite zoos' territory a reality by crook and by (snake)hook in an era when one could do that. She paints this character study (largely with the help of Henry Molt, another, less flamboyant though hardly less interesting player in the reptile scene) against the background of the reptile trade, whose history is shot through with smuggling and all sorts of other illegal and unsavory doing. It's a wild world, full of overgrown boys and macho one-upmanship, and the revelation that may shock readers the most is the extent that respected zoos everywhere were (and in some ways continue to be) involved. The characters and their adventures make this book a page-turner, but while they're hardly people most of us would want to meet, let alone know, the author doesn't intentionally malign them, rather she lets the apparent facts and quotations speak for themselves. Henry Molt might come across as an icky person, but he's unrepentant even into old age, and at the least his marginal life and many misfortunes are morbidly fascinating. And whatever else you think of the little Napoleon Tommy Crutchfield, you'll probably find yourself admitting and to some extent admiring his tenacity, resourcefulness, and when it comes down to it, toughness. And in the end, it seems obvious that in his twisted way, he DOES care about the animals.Stolen World is a book anyone who's ever owned an exotic pet shouldn't miss, and most other fans of absorbing nonfiction that reads like fiction will be hooked the whole way through despite the subject's occasionally grim nature.

Do You like book Stolen World: A Tale Of Reptiles, Smugglers, And Skulduggery (2011)?

It was a five at the beginning, and fell to a three as it got long and repetitive towards the end.

Fascinating and weird - incredibly researched and sourced.

Great book for anyone with an interest in reptiles

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