About book STFU, Parents: The Jaw-Dropping, Self-Indulgent, And Occasionally Rage-Inducing World Of Parent Overshare (2013)
The website these stories come from is one of my favorite. Parental overshare is a terrible thing, even if I indulge in it a bit myself. Unlike the people featured in this book, nothing I share involves bodily fluids or poop.Most of the humor comes from the insane things that some people choose to put on the internet about their kids (and pregnancy, and labor, and placentas, and....etc).I find it hilarious and eyeopening. Side-splitting, tear inducing hilarity!! Loved every minute of it. I have been a fan of the blog for a long time and I knew what I was getting into. Koenig takes some of the best parts of the blog and breaks it all down into 33 hilarious chapters, continuing the awesome, smart and funny commentary. I think that's what really makes this book! I "lol'ed" several times and had to mark pages to go back to and read when I need laugh.I am a parent, and will admit I am probably guilty of some parental oversharing on facebook. But, man, this book made me feel SO good about myself! Some of the things people post for all the world to see, it's so outrageous! I can't even wrap my head around it. This is great read if you are looking for something funny and entertaining. Perfect for a plane ride, or beach trip! I think it should be required reading for all moms, moms-to-be and people who someday might have kids. And if you don't ever plan on having kids, what could be better than reading
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