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Sterling's Gold: Wit And Wisdom Of An Ad Man (2010)

Sterling's Gold: Wit and Wisdom of an Ad Man (2010)

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2.92 of 5 Votes: 3
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0802119891 (ISBN13: 9780802119896)
Grove Press

About book Sterling's Gold: Wit And Wisdom Of An Ad Man (2010)

A friend who's a fellow "Mad Men" watcher bought this book for me, which was very sweet of her, knowing that Roger is basically my favorite character. This book was a bit disappointing, though, because it's basically just about 150 of Roger's best lines from the show. I thought there would be a bit more substance to it than that. The lines are decent, but this book does drive home exactly how much John Slattery brings to the role. His delivery raises them to a much higher bar. Sadly, this is not the "real" autobiography of fictional adman Roger Sterling, as seen dictated during this past season of AMC's "Mad Men," but rather a collection of Roger's best quotes from the show. Although the production design is great, especially the sepia-washed photos and the line drawing portrait on the back, you don't want to buy this book--save your money, sit down at your local Barnes & Noble, and read it there. It will take all of 15 minutes.

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Enjoyable little read if you enjoy "Mad Men" as much as I do.

fun read to mad men fans

A cute, quick diversion.

Book of quotes. Lame

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