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Standing For Socks (2009)

Standing for Socks (2009)

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3.89 of 5 Votes: 2
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1416948015 (ISBN13: 9781416948018)
Atheneum Books for Young Readers

About book Standing For Socks (2009)

This was a really good book and I enjoyed it a lot. It's about a girl named Fara who one day accidentally wears mismatched socks. Then she starts a school phenomenon! Fara is now known as "Sock girl" and according to some people is famous. But things get more complicated when her nemesis Melodee Simon is also running for student council president. Fara really wants to make a difference and for people to remember her not just for her socks. This book was really funny and I definitely recommend it! Fara Ross accidently wears two different socks to school. Everyone takes it to mean she is expressing her individuality. She starts a whole trend she wasn’t trying to start. She has become very popular and believes if she runs for Student council president she stands a chance of winning. Inadvertently she closes out her best friend. Suddenly everyone is becoming more focused on her socks and not on her issues such as recycling. Fara learned some valuable lessons through the experience. This was a fun book full of “sock jokes and puns”. I think my students will really enjoy it.

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Elyse would have given this five stars. I thought it was okay.

Great message for this age group!

very great

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