I'm not sure where to begin. This novel did not go the way I thought it would. I was expecting a standard BDSM novel like the dozen I've already read and, for the most part, discarded in annoyance. Stacking in Rivertown was written in a stream of consciousness. Normally I hate this style as it's almost always poorly done. Barbara Bell has changed my opinion, at least as far as she is concerned. There must have been a frightening amount of work put in to keep all the threads lined up and in sync with one another. Beth's dilemma sucks you in and puts you in her foggy, terrifying world where there is no true shelter and the monsters are always behind you, waiting for you to turn your back. There were times I was shocked, alarmed, and so angry I wanted to find someone, anyone who could hold Ben's place so I could re-invent the word 'Unspeakable'. The book's not perfect. The characters could use more description. At least once I heard a name and could not recall who that person was. While the climax of the book is thrilling and terrifying, the aftermath felt drawn out. This wasn't bad, per se, but I felt like the author was trying to bring out more emotional struggles after Beth had already faced the culmination of her trials. I'm not saying it had to end with rainbows and sunshine, but we didn't need more of the same. A side note is that this book seems to be aimed at the BDSM world, but it really doesn't read like one. The scenes which occur are very brief and serve more for emotional impact than for sensual stimulation. That's perfectly fine, but I hate to think of poor reviews by readers expecting something else.
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