About book Sprache Ohne Worte: Wie Unser Körper Trauma Verarbeitet Und Uns In Die Innere Balance Zurückführt (German Edition) (2011)
A refreshingly unorthodox therapy-based theory on healing trauma using the Eastern- inspired approach of activating awareness of the mind/body connection. Using similar techniques taught to Vipassana meditators, Levine has transformed current trauma psychotherapy by validating Eastern practices with both his clinical and therapeutic research. A fascinating and intriguing read for any sufferer or healer of trauma. Great view of trauma as a disregulation of nervous system function. Levine gives a clear model for understanding the biological basis of trauma being held in the body & a great rationale for using his method to discharge & allow the nervous system to come back into balance. This book, and Somatic Experiencing, have changed the way I see trauma. In working with groups, it has tuned me in to ways people dissociate that I would not have considered before & ways to better work with them.
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