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Spiritually Anchored In Unsettled Times (2009)

Spiritually Anchored in Unsettled Times (2009)

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1606410695 (ISBN13: 9781606410691)
Deseret Book

About book Spiritually Anchored In Unsettled Times (2009)

Adore. THIS is what a religion book can be. Hafen neither claims special insights nor positions himself as somehow above temptations, doubts and concerns. This is a book that takes ambiguity seriously, instead of in platitudes. It also goes through something like Perry's stages in terms of spiritual development of young adults. Ooh, it's good. Also, the section on what testimony is not (JUST strong emotion) and what it is (also reason and also experience) is lovely. And discipleship. I'm sort. I need to stop write a review and write me a fan letter. Bruce C. Hafen first caught my attention with an article in the BYU Alumni Magazine outlining the disciple's journey. With that article (which comprises the first quarter of this book) he introduced me to a greater understanding of what it means to be a true disciple of Christ. Being able to review those precepts was only the beginning of my appreciation of this book. In plain language and with a good heart the author opens the readers eyes to the various levels of spirituality that we can walk in, and appreciably demonstrates why those paths which involve the greatest depth of spirituality provide the greatest anchor to the soul.

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Some interesting things in here but, overall, not worth the purchase.

Terrific book, touching my heart in every chapter.

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