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Spinster Goose: Twisted Rhymes For Naughty Children (2011)

Spinster Goose: Twisted Rhymes for Naughty Children (2011)

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1416925414 (ISBN13: 9781416925415)
Atheneum Books for Young Readers

About book Spinster Goose: Twisted Rhymes For Naughty Children (2011)

Spinster Goose: Twisted Rhymes for Naughty Children by Lisa Wheeler (2011)Children's Rhymes, parodiesBookPlot summary: Traditional Mother Goose nursery rhymes are rewritten, depicting unruly students attending the school of Spinster Goose.Considerations or precautions for readers advisory: No special considerationsReview citation (if available):Kirkus Reviews , 2/15/2011, Vol. 79 Issue 4, p337-337, 1/4pSection source used to find the material: School Library Journal reviewRecommended age: Ages 7-12 Very clever. Very.Children who are familiar with common Mother Goose-style nursery rhymes (think: Jack and Jill, Mary Had a Little Lamb, Georgie Porgie, and others) will recognize their "naughty" counterparts in this well written companion. The naughty behaviors of these dastardly children include such evils as gum-chewing, being VERY dirty, and others. Illustrations offer dark humor as well that are the perfect complement.In short, children who enjoy dark comedy, enjoy wordplay and recognizing when an author is being quite clever, and who are bored with "regular" poetry will find much to enjoy here!

Do You like book Spinster Goose: Twisted Rhymes For Naughty Children (2011)?

What a perfectly wicked book to remind my boys of how NOT to be naughty this time of year!!

blah--however, we did find one redeeming poem perfect for Lainey called the Hair Twirler

Comeuppance has never felt finer.

A new spin on nursery rhymes!

Fun book for poetry month!

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