So... I've only cleaned one room (bathroom) following his advise as closely as possible and I can't honestly say that I did it any faster 25-30 minutes). But as with anything worth doing, I expected a learning curve. At least it didn't take me any longer! In all, this book is exactly what I have been looking for: a complete step by step outline of cleaning to take all the guess work and trial and error out of the equation and written by the owner of a successful cleaning business. I have read 4 or more cleaning books and this one comes closest to what I needed. It's not tips or advise; just someone to literally tell me the most economical way to get it over with. Like a reviewer before me, I prefer to make my own chemical cocktails out of natural environmentally friendly ingredients which I'm sure cuts into my time somewhat but as long as I keep my supplies well stocked I don't foresee a problem with doing this and using Campbell's method. I hope that with continued use of his methods I will simplify my life by saving time, and sanity. So an optimistic 5 stars but will change if it doesn't work out!
I looked through part of this book and learned a few things, but I didn't try to read the whole thing. I have been conscious of motion efficiency since I read the book "Cheaper by the Dozen" in junior high, so that idea with cleaning was nothing new to me. And two things bothered me: 1) The tone felt condescending enough to almost offend me at times, and 2) It wasn't written for a mom with children at home. In order to follow this method completely (and thus clean my whole house in 45 minutes), I would have to take my children to someone else's house and find a cleaning partner to help me (my husband is rarely home to help these days)--every week. As that is not going to happen, I doubt I will ever be able to use the method myself. However, I did learn about a mop that is now on my wish list... :)
Do You like book Speed Cleaning (1991)?
This is one of the most useful purchases I've ever made. Although I don't think it's really saved me much time--I guess I'm not capable of doing it that efficiently--or maybe I just leave things to long for a speedy maintenance swipe. For instance, it swears you will be out of the bathroom in 15 minutes--it still took me over an hour. But by God, that bathroom sparkled! And it was really useful in giving me those in and outs on for instance... well, how to clean the toilet... I really found their explanation of tools and techniques useful.
—Lisa (Harmonybites)