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Sparrow Migrations (2013)

Sparrow Migrations (2013)

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3.95 of 5 Votes: 4
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1480134430 (ISBN13: 9781480134430)

About book Sparrow Migrations (2013)

Initially the book seemed like three short stories tied together by the coincidence of the people on ferries and passengers on the Miracle on the Hudson flight. Drawing them together could have improved the story. I was also a little disappointed by the almost happily-ever-after ending. Some of the crossing paths such as the connection between between Elizabeth, Brett, and Deborah, were a little contrived as there was nothing in the end that required it. In spite of those disappointments, this is a good read with the sympathy and empathy that the unrelated adults showed Robbie especially satisfying. I received this book in a Goodreads giveaway in summer 2013. I finally had the pleasure of reading it this past week. It is a very, very sweet book with a heartwarming message and very earthy undertones. The stories presented are characteristic of a deep, uniquely American melancholy over the status of certain insurmountable hurdles in life, but their final note of flavor resonates with a peaceful hope, and calm, sunny outlook, sort of like the mix between the nostalgia of the last day of summer and the refreshment and joy of the first day of autumn, both enshrouded in warmth and comfort.The language is lively and simple, with a focus on telling the story instead of touching on any metaphysical inquiries. However, the intrigue and innocent nuance of the stories kept me turning page after page, and I believe I've never finished an adult novel so quickly in my life. I would highly recommend giving Sparrow Migrations a chance. It won't change your life, but it will fill you with a newfound appreciation for the fragility, struggle, and wonder of being a human being. This book will most definitely bring you a little light, which we all need more of.

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Loved this book - well written and so original - out it on your list to read

Great book. I really enjoyed all the characters & their struggles.

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