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Sparky: The Life And Art Of Charles Schulz (2010)

Sparky: The Life and Art of Charles Schulz (2010)

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3.9 of 5 Votes: 2
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0811867900 (ISBN13: 9780811867900)
Chronicle Books

About book Sparky: The Life And Art Of Charles Schulz (2010)

I am a great fan of the Peanuts cartoon strip and really enjoyed this short biography of the life of Charles Schultz. I think I liked it so much because it shows that though his life was not easy he never gave up on his dream. I also enjoyed the stories behind the Peanuts characters. I found the story of the red headed girl especially interesting. This book also has great cartoons that will make you smile. I highly recommend this one. Interesting YA biography about Peanuts author Charles Shultz. Rich with peanut strips and photographs, the biography follows Shultz from childhood to his death in February 2000. I found the book easy to read and will hold the interest of my middle school students. It was very interesting to learn the Schulz based his Peanuts characters on real people and how his life was reflected in his comic strips.

Do You like book Sparky: The Life And Art Of Charles Schulz (2010)?

Fantastic! What an enjoyable read! Can't wait to recommend this to my middle grade students.

A young adult's version of his life. No new information but nicely presented.

A loving, lightweight look at the life and career of Charles Schulz.

Excellent book. It was sweet but sad.


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