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Space Case (2014)

Space Case (2014)

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4.17 of 5 Votes: 2
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1442494883 (ISBN13: 9781442494886)
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers

About book Space Case (2014)

The suspense-humor book, The Space Case is written by Stuart Gibbs. The book mainly focuses on one plot: A kid named Dash finds out a scientist on his ship has been killed. Dash suspects someone on the ship has killed the scientist but no one believes him. Is there a psycho killer loose on the ship? If so, Dash must now find the clues and put the pieces together to solve the crime of who killed the scientist. This book has a great plot and it really intrigues your mind with some steep turns in the story. Also I really like how the whole outer space environment and how it relates to the murder. I would give the book 5 stars because it’s easy to follow, has a good mystery, and keeps you in suspense. I really recommend reading this book! Read mostly aloud from print & some listening as audiobook (great narrator), my almost 13-yr old & I really enjoyed this book. Gibbs ventured into new territory for an author--I cannot think of anything else out there like it for this 10 and up age group (although Carl Hiaasen's voice comes to mind)--combining realistic, mystery and science fiction, and wrapping it all up in humor. I loved his sardonic commentary about our culture and how it is gaining (or losing, in this case) from the future and scientific achievements. I hope the publisher makes it available in paperback so I can nominate it for the MCBA Award.

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An entertaining, quick read about a boy, a moon base and a murder to solve.

The more I read from this author, the more I like him.

Excellent read into space colonization

(4.5 stars)

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