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Sound Of Thunder (2015)

Sound of Thunder (2015)

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0333902165 (ISBN13: 9780333902165)

About book Sound Of Thunder (2015)

The follow-up to Smith's first book, WHEN THE LION FEEDS, is a continuation of the same story following the cliffhanger that the first novel ended upon.We learn more about Sean Courtney's life at Ladyburgh, his experiences in the 2nd Boer War and finally the next Courtney generation, i.e. his children by various mothers.In my mind, the book falls into three sections. The first part flies by as it reintroduces the central characters, throws in some new personalities and sets up the second part, which is all about warfare. The details of the battles are what make up this lengthy section, although it's not quite as compelling as some of the author's other work - I found the section on the stock exchange in WHEN THE LION FEEDS to be more exciting than the actual warfare in this book, for instance. Perhaps it's the necessity of getting bogged down in detail which slows it a little.The last third of the book, a return to normal life and business, is on much firmer ground and the most gripping section as Smith regains his page-turning quality. We finally learn what happens between Sean and his crippled brother Garry, while the events surrounding Michael and Dirk are never less than enthralling. Some great set-pieces here too, real gutsy stuff.I loved the ending, and will look forward to checking out the third and final part of the trilogy, A SPARROW FALLS.

Woohoo the witch is dead...I was so relived that she went the way she did nothing less than she deserved. Nice to have a respite from dirk as well going away, such an evil child apart from his love for his dad. And did he have anything to do with Mary :(I found the first half of the book a bit of a jumble as you flit between the boer and the English and I got confused at some points but the second half after the war I found it an easier and faster pacing book and quite exciting wanting to know what happens next!Looking forward to reading the next one!

Do You like book Sound Of Thunder (2015)?

I am really struggling with this book. Feel I should have brushed up on my Boer War History before attempting this. So boring and confusing as to the ranks in the army. I am also finding myself annoyed with Garrick and Sean. The misunderstanding as to what happened between Anna and Sean is wearing thin and I am almost certain that only at the end will it all be resolved. Am still going to plough through, even though I keep falling asleep before I have read a couple of pages.Still didn't enjoy the rest of the book, even after the war ended. Felt angry and sorry for Dirk at the same time. Sean didn't seem ti understand his son or pay attention to him. He is the cause of the jealousy and temprament problems with the boy. Ended on a predictable note.
—Tammi Morgan

This the first book by Wilbur Smith that I had read. It was over ten years ago and my coworker left the book on the counter at the gas station we worked at. I borrowed the book forgetting to tell her that I took it. She was nice about it and said it was OK. Ever since that first book, I've been a fan of Smiths work. I would consider his work comparable in detail and excitement with a dash of the unexpected situations that the characters have to come up with novel and genuine solutions to overcome or persevere till the end of the book to that of Tom Clancys' work. Resulting in keeping the reader engaged. The style of his writing is slightly biased toward the male audience. I consider his series, a proper lesson for a coming of age series.

Loving the saga aspect of this series, but this book spent a lot of time on battles and fights and wars so I found myself flipping past scenes where the author describes endlessly what is happening in what is merely a competition, whether it be between two men (Sean and Jan Paulus for example, more than once) two peoples two brothers etc. Hopefully, the future books got the competition/battle thing out of the way and there won't be as many and it'll focus more on the other aspects of the characters and stories that are making this series enjoyable to read. On to the next book now.

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