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Song For My Mother (2011)

Song for My Mother (2011)

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3.31 of 5 Votes: 3
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128307351X (ISBN13: 9781283073516)
Vanguard Press

About book Song For My Mother (2011)

Good book for all of us that have ever had a conflict with our mother. I went 6 months one time without speaking to my mother and we lived right next door to each other. Marly hasn't spoken to her mother in 12 years. Now her daughter, who has cancer, wants to meet her grandmother. Marly can't refuse her daughter so she visits her mother....won't say any more. You'll have to read the book to see what happens. A Song For My Mother is about anger, holding grudges, and forgiveness. There are a few situations here that involve decision making, judgement, doubt and the need for forgiving.The main character, Marly Hanson, moved away from home at an early age, escaping from a traumatic home life and a small town. She returns to her hometown only because her own daughter wants to meet her grandmother; unfortunately, the grandmother, Winnie, is the one person that Marly does not really want to see. Marly hasn't seen Winnie since she moved out of town as a teen bride. Even so, she brings her daughter to meet her; her daughter has recently went a few rounds with cancer and chemotherapy, coming close to death.Things aren't very comfortable for Marly and Winnie, but Winnie and Katie (Marly's daughter) hit it off right away. Not only do Katie and Winnie make fast friends, but Katie meets a neighbor boy, Ham and they become friends. Marly also meets Ham's father, Reed who happens to be the sheriff of this small town. Marly is very attracted to Reed, Reed is very attracted to Marly but there are complications. Reed is a widower, and Marly is divorced with a low opinion of men as fathers and husbands.It was both interesting and frustrating to read Marly's behavior with her mom. She is so angry that she comes across as unreasonably prickly and rude to Winnie - blaming and judging Winnie for past decisions and what she perceives as a weakness and betrayal of herself. Winnie is heartbroken, but patient - this bothered me, because I would have been in Marly's face....but then I also wouldn't have been in Winnie's past that would affect things.Even though Kat Martin's writing style is rather spare...what I call no-frills writing - A Song For My Mother is packed with emotions of all kinds. There are subplots - a young widowed mother of a three year old boy who is coming close to having a breakdown, overcompensating for her husband's death. There is also the reluctant relationship between Marly and Reed. She's having fun seeing Reed but doesn't want to become involved with him, seeing no point in it. Reed is ready to come out of mourning for his deceased wife and wants a future with Marly...only Marly is planning on passing through within weeks.When I say that this novel has spare writing, I mean that there is not a lot of extra filler; reading it is like listening to a person telling a bit about some goings on. There is some dialogue, but it's definitely not a dialogue heavy book. This is kind of refreshing in a way. Kat Martin tells three stories involving this small group of people, getting to the point without a lot of extras. But when it's important, than the story goes into scene mode. I know I'm not explaining this the way I want to. I did enjoy it, even though some of the subject matter is pretty heavy, it was written with a light and deft pen, so to speak, revealing emotions and tragedy without over-dramatization.The book brings forth and shows a complete array of emotions - anger, contempt, betrayal, wistfulness, sadness, happiness, jealously, relief, first pangs of love, embarrassment and love. All of this is packed into 224 pages. It was a pleasant experience reading it, even with the frustration that I felt at Marly over her stubborn anger at her mom. I like the messages given through the story - that we're all capable of making good and bad decisions, of making mistakes and that it's possible to move forward through forgiving. It's hard sometimes, but it can be done, right?

Do You like book Song For My Mother (2011)?

Disappointed in length and writing. A nice story but left me wanting more.

This book was bad. Boring and poorly written. At least it was short.

Short and sweet

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