A readable book, although I found the elegiac voice and the sea of narrative with only little islands of dialogue distanced me from both story and characters. I developed no sympathy for these story people. They were there, I read about them but, oddly, or maybe not, wasn’t particularly interested in them. However there was music, being taken not only seriously but as a driving passion. That was a pleasure. I always knew that women writers had to pen their books under male names. I never realized that women composer's had it worse. What a beautiful and informative book. Nicholas being forced to take credit for works that were written by his sister Clara. In the mix is Master Darien Reynard who hears a piece supposedly written by Nicholas. He hires Nicholas to compose new music for him. His father insists that Clara must accompany him. Along the way she falls in love with the man who can bring her music to life. So many secrets and the stress of keeping them. Until the competition. Let the music sweep you away to the end.
Do You like book Sonata For A Scoundrel (2013)?
4.5 stars. Thoroughly enjoyed :) I got this as part of a 10 book set.