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Something Old (2011)

Something Old (2011)

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3.93 of 5 Votes: 3
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1616262311 (ISBN13: 9781616262310)
Barbour Books

About book Something Old (2011)

Something Old is the first of three novels about the same group of women, with the emphasis in this volume on the gal named Katy. Katy is a very conservative, traditional, Mennonite woman. She has two lifelong friends who are also Mennonite. But Lil is not willingly as conservative as her own family nor as Katy. Megan is a peace maker and has more than once during their growing up years been the one to restore peace and order in the group.The story ends with Katy's marriage to Jake. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and look forward to reading the rest of the trilogy. I very much enjoyed reading this first book in the series, and I look forward to reading the next one, and the next one. Learning about the Mennonites and their lifestyle,and their faith was very interesting. The characters portrayed strong convictions about their faith, and each one demonstrated different opinions, and some had strong emotions about them. The main characters as well as the congregation of their church,went thru some struggles, trying to keep from getting split,and still remain united.

Do You like book Something Old (2011)?

Very good book about the main character questioning the values she grew up with.

I liked it. My kind of mix of romance and a glimpse of Mennonite life.

Poorly written, but I did finish it!

First Mennonite Book. Excellent

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