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Some Day You'll Thank Me For This: The Official Southern Ladies' Guide To Being A "Perfect" Mother (2008)

Some Day You'll Thank Me for This: The Official Southern Ladies' Guide to Being a

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1401302963 (ISBN13: 9781401302962)
Hachette Books

About book Some Day You'll Thank Me For This: The Official Southern Ladies' Guide To Being A "Perfect" Mother (2008)

Well, that was a quick read. I zipped through it in a couple hours this afternoon.I'm from the Mississippi Delta (Clarksdale, to be exact, though I lived for a few years in Greenville, and my Southern girl street cred is further established by a degree from Ole Miss) and I expected this to be funny and a happy reminder of my upbringing. Instead, I read a tart and acerbic screed by two wholly unkind and unlikeable rhymes-with-witches. What a terribly unpleasant picture they've painted of the South, and of Southern mothers and daughters. Trust me: we don't all fit their snooty stereotype. Some of us love our home and ancestry with a fierce devotion but actually have compassion for others and original thoughts of our own.And the recipes are crap, too. Call me crazy, but I enjoyed the sequel on the Southern funeral just a tad bit more. This book is also full of Southern recipes and information about mother/daughter relationships in the South. I don't believe the relationships between mothers and daughters is really any different in other places, but I guess it could be. The best thing about the book is that it made me dig out my deviled egg plate.

Do You like book Some Day You'll Thank Me For This: The Official Southern Ladies' Guide To Being A "Perfect" Mother (2008)?

Loved this one even more. Could have something to do with my work. Funny and true!

A clever book on the southern woman and excellent recipes

read a few pages then discarded

Great Southern Recipes


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