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Sole Support (2013)

Sole Support (2013)

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3.76 of 5 Votes: 3
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1619216116 (ISBN13: 9781619216112)
Samhain Publishing

About book Sole Support (2013)

This is more of 3.5 stars:I'm not sure how to review this story. There were part that I really liked and then there was times I wanted to stop reading and not start again. I felt bad for Mike, his self esteem was so low, it was almost non existing. I know exactly how that feels, I've been there myself before. However, I didn't like how Kellen treated him sometimes. Mike kept giving it his all and Kellen just took and rarely gave anything back. I understand his reluctance because of his mom, but a little of himself couldn't have hurt. Kellen then sort if redeemed himself with me while we saw how he took such good care for his mom in her time of need, he was a good son to her, and the best was when he realized he couldn't help anymore and placed her somewhere where she would be taken care of, and he still tried his best by sending her Ricardo who she really liked to ease her into her new living arrangements. I'm glad he finally realized how deeply he felt for Mike before he completely messed it up again. It was a hard read for me as I've never had to care for an elderly relative and the care they need kind of scared me since my own father is heading in that direction in a couple years. It was a bit too much for me, a real eye opener and just scary for me. The story was good and well written it just scared me a bit. Again, Kaje's writing is something I couldn't put down. The only complaint I would have with this book is how the MC1 (Kellen) would call his mother "crazy" because of her dementia. I understand it, and I know I have called my own mother crazy a few times (fortunately my mother doesn't have dementia) But I don't know, that just struck a cord weird with me. However knowing that it's MY quirk and had really nothing to do with how good the book was, it did not deter me from giving this book 4 stars. These two characters are real, flawed and yet you still end up falling in love with them both, each for different reasons.

Do You like book Sole Support (2013)?

472 pages: emotional, frustrating, sad, teary, mental issues…. hmmmm I better skip this story

This was so awesome, my words can never do it justice. Top 2013 read!!


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