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Sold To A Laird (2009)

Sold to a Laird (2009)

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3.68 of 5 Votes: 2
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0061771759 (ISBN13: 9780061771750)

About book Sold To A Laird (2009)

I really liked this book. The storyline is good and I like both of the characters. Douglas is to die for. A bit too good to be true. Even Sarah questions his behavior. There were some parts that I felt was slow and didn't care much about but they were still necessary to the story. I'm not sure if I will continue on with this series though. Maybe if I happen to see it at the library but for now it isn't on the top of my list. This book was just okay it could have been so much more.This was a romance book right ? Where was the romance. The plot started out good the idea of being able to manufacture your own diamonds sounds adventurous right ?This book was lacking all the way around I so much wanted to like this book but did everything i could to get through it . This book was not for me and I love Karen's books , those of hers I read in the past were great so what happen here.

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Boring. Disappointed.

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