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S'Mother: The Story Of A Man, His Mom, And The Thousands Of Altogether Insane Letters She's Mailed Him (2011)

S'Mother: The Story of a Man, His Mom, and the Thousands of Altogether Insane Letters She's Mailed Him (2011)

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3.21 of 5 Votes: 1
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0810996456 (ISBN13: 9780810996458)
Harry N. Abrams

About book S'Mother: The Story Of A Man, His Mom, And The Thousands Of Altogether Insane Letters She's Mailed Him (2011)

This was a complete waste of time. The author's attempt at humor which was directed at his mother was both disrespectful and mean spirited. Seems like his mother (a single parent) did alright by him enabling him to move across the country to attend and graduate from college. This book feels more like the exploitation of an aging and lonely woman. I found it to be a sad commentary on his feelings toward his mother and felt that he came across as a self centered only child. Hey guys! Look how insane my mother is! See how insane she is? She writes me LETTERS! She flew out to see me in COLLEGE and hung out with my FRIENDS! I know some people's mothers abused them and neglected them and abandoned them and couldn't provide for them, but mine? She wrote me MILDLY CRAZY-SOUNDING LETTERS! A LOT of them! That means she's insane, right? RIGHT?So yeah, I didn't really care for this particular book. The icing on the cake is that the author somehow coerced his own mother into reading out loud her own supposedly "insane" letters to him on the audiobook version, thereby making her complicit in his own hateful sendup of him. In conclusion, she must love him even more than he realizes, or she would have disowned him on the basis of the title alone.

Do You like book S'Mother: The Story Of A Man, His Mom, And The Thousands Of Altogether Insane Letters She's Mailed Him (2011)?

Struck my funny bone so hard! Being a mom of a son, I related too much sometimes!

It was kind of funny but also seemed a little mean-spirited.

Okay, my mom isn't as bad as I thought....

Pretty funny. Liked reading his letters.


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