I haven't used the Smashwords service yet but this book make me want to, so I guess that's a good sign. It's clear and focused, so you get useful information.Against it, I can say that some warnings are repeated many times (I can understand that's done on purpose but it gets boring after a while). And I don't like the idea to be forced to use Microsoft Word to be able to get a decent result, but that I respect that everyone has his/her own tools of choice. So thumbs up for the book, I'll try the service next. If you have any intentions of self-publishing I recommend this book. Smashwords is a reputable self-publishing platform (other platforms are available). The first part of the book is a general description of what Smashwords is, and isn't, and a general description of what you need to do to get your manuscript published. Most importantly, it tells you why you have to do these things.My book isn't yet at a stage where I needed to try the second half of the guide. This takes you through the steps in detail, and from looking through it, it seems to be almost idiot-proof and most detailed, and I fully intend to try it out in due course.
Do You like book Smashwords Style Guide (2008)?
Lots of information it'll take me a while to understand. Glad I have it, though.
Absolutely essentially reading if you want to publish on Smashwords.
This is the best "How to" guide I've ever read. Period.