About book Slow Family Living: 75 Simple Ways To Slow Down, Connect, And Create More Joy (2013)
2.5 stars. This book wasn't exactly what I thought. A lot of the ideas seemed like they added even more time to an already busy day. The co-op ideas, making and delivering dinner for another family a couple days a week and having them do the same for you is nice in theory, but would be difficult in practice. Making larger batches, finding a family that cooks things you would choose for your family and that would be flexible enough to deal with crazy schedules seems too hard. Same with camp co-op, there were many things that seemed doable only if one parent stays at home. Same issue I have with many family cookbooks - they are clearly designed for a woman who has a child that takes 2-3 hour naps and can cook at home. I much prefer Simplicity Parenting and Minimalist Parenting as realistic guides to simplifying and appreciating family life. I had the best time reading through nearly 200 pages of bullet point tips on enjoying family life--no matter the size and shape of the one you happen to be in. I walked down memory lane, being glad of the many things we did that this reading brought to mind. I also got a lot of ideas to try here and now.I intend to journal my own reflections. Everyone needs a go-to list of affirmations that somehow you did SOMETHING right somewhere along the way. When my daughters went away to college they discovered/created the "HAPPY WALL". Anything anyone said or did that brought a laugh or a smile went on to a post-it note that was attached to a designated wall, which was dubbed the "Happy Wall". Well, I would call this exercise a "happy wall" for me.The premise of the book is that we tend to get wrapped up in the grind of daily living, forgetting that the joy is in the journey (my words, not theirs). They've created a "Slow Family Manifesto" and a SlowFamilyLiving.com website, too. This short read is well worth the visit.
Do You like book Slow Family Living: 75 Simple Ways To Slow Down, Connect, And Create More Joy (2013)?
Quick, inspiring read that gave me some great ideas to implement into our family life.
Loved many of the ideas - wrote them down to apply in my life as best I can.
Lots of good hints, many of which I've heard before.
Would like to own or reread again later.