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Slow Dancing On Price's Pier: A Novel (2011)

Slow Dancing on Price's Pier: A Novel (2011)

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0425239950 (ISBN13: 9780425239957)
Berkley Trade

About book Slow Dancing On Price's Pier: A Novel (2011)

i really enjoyed this book sometimes it was hard to understand the author parts of the book was the past and present. but you really got to know the charactors better. Thea and Garret and Jonathan were best friends when the were young kids until they got to high school that is when Garret and Thea started dating Jonathan was already at college. Jonathan and Garret are brothers. which in some ways the two would compete for Thea. Garret was the jock and the popular one every girl wanted him. Jonathan was the caring understanding compastionate person Thea could always count on him but her heart was always for Garret. this book is about forgiveness and love. My first book by this author and not exactly all I was hoping it would be, but not bad either. At times, I feel like books just barely scratch the surface of their potential and that was where this book stood for me.It was entertaining, well-written and didn't ramble yet it never really grabbed my emotions.Before each chapter was a newspaper column about coffee which pertains to the main character owning a coffee shop and was written by her. These were full of facts and trivia I didn't know and so being a coffee lover made these my favorite parts of the book.Overall this was a quick read and enjoyable.

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2012 RITA finalist in the Contemporary Single Title category

I reread this book, I love the tie in to the coffee shop.

Quick read but just ok for me

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