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Sleepyheads (2014)

Sleepyheads (2014)

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4.03 of 5 Votes: 3
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1442422661 (ISBN13: 9781442422667)
Beach Lane Books

About book Sleepyheads (2014)

Some sleepyheads snooze in nests, or holes, or caves. But where is the tiny sleepyhead who belongs in the cozy bedroom? Asleep in mama's arms, of course.I think I could read this book to my preschooler every night before bed for the next several years because it is so peaceful and sweet, perfect for young children. The soothing rhythm and lovely pictures work together to make a cozy, simple sleepy-time read-aloud. I only wish it were available in a board book format to make it even more accessible for the very tiniest of listeners. (HINT, HINT, PUBLISHERS!) The moon is out and it’s sleepy time. We’ll look for the little ones tucked in their beds. Bear is curled up in his cave, Robin in her nest, Rabbit in the weeds. But there is teddy, a pillow and a bed, but where is the last sleepyhead? Asleep in Mama’s arms. This is perfect for a bedtime read aloud, the illustrations use rich warm tones and sparse details, highlighting the round soft sleeping animals., The rhyming verses enhance the mood and soon the listener and maybe the reader will be off to dreamland. Reviewer 19

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simple, sweet, adorable illustrations

Nice quiet rhyming bedtime book.


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