Do You like book Sleeping Tiger (1996)?
My first impression of the book, was that it was very well written. The heroine seemed likeable. I felt sorry for the poor thing, being completely without confidence and saddles with a stuffy, patronising old fiancé who was so obviously wrong for her. The she goes off in search of the man she believes is her father, and everything goes wrong. You really feel for the girl. Then the story goes flat. It turns into more of a What I Did On My Vacation essay, than an interesting story. The last handful of pages were very sweet, but there was no build-up to get you there. Hopefully the authors later books will be more interesting. Goodreads keep putting her in my recommendations, so I'm sure I'll pick up at least a couple more of her books. This one wasn't -bad- as such. It just had a lot of unfulfilled potential. A light and breezy read for those who are enjoying a lazy vacation weekend, or something along those lines.
—Kristin The Bookworm
KurzbeschreibungSelina Bruce, jung, reich und früh verwaist, steht kurz vor der Hochzeit mit dem erfolgreichen Anwalt Rodney Ackland, als sie plötzlich auf ein Lebenszeichen ihres totgeglaubten Vaters stößt. Hals über Kopf verläßt sie London, um die Spur zu verfolgen. Auf der spanischen Insel San Antonio begegnet sie schließlich dem Mann, der ihr Vater sein soll.Rosamunde Pilcher, geboren 1924 in Lelant/Cornwall, arbeitete zunächst beim Foreign Office und trat während des Zweiten Weltkrieges dem Women's Royal Naval Service bei. 1946 heiratete sie Graham Pilcher und zog nach Dundee/Schottland, wo sie seither wohnt. Rosamunde Pilcher schreibt seit ihrem fünfzehnten Lebensjahr. Ihre Romane haben sie zu einer der erfolgreichsten Autorinnen der Gegenwart gemacht.
—Yang Shu-yuan
I have mixed feelings about this book. In one sense I like the idea of young woman of 20 years of age, leaving London to try to find the father she never knew in Spain. She had been told that her father was dead, and had only seen one photo of him over the years. When her fiancée/lawyer gave her a book to read that included a photo of the author on the back cover, Selena could not believe the resemblance between that author and her "deceased" father. Selena had to find out if he was really her father, so she off she went and had quite the adventure getting to him. The problem I have with the book is how it ends, which I'm not going to give away in my review.