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Six Of One (2011)

Six of One (2011)

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3.07 of 5 Votes: 1
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1466324384 (ISBN13: 9781466324381)

About book Six Of One (2011)

A very light and fast read that felt a bit like Tudor fanfic. It would likely make a successful if fluffy romantic comedy film.The book imposes a 21st-century sensibility on the six wives of Henry VIII. In some ways this feels out of context. In others it provided some interesting ways to fill in the historical blanks from that period.The story tries very hard to be clever and quick -- done well, this appears effortless, but sometimes in this book it seemed awkward and like the narrator was telling her story just for the punchline (which can get tiresome when overused). The conceit and parallels between the narrator's life and the story of Henry VIII were interesting but at times stretched the bounds of my suspension of disbelief.I think I personally prefer my Tudor history a bit more "pure," but this was a fun read nonetheless. As a young woman embarks on the eve of her wedding to a man that has been married six times she enters a dream ...or so she thinks of the dead wives of Henry the 8th. They tell her that only when a woman makes the right choice of marriage to the right man can they then go to heaven. They are begging her to make the right choice the night before her wedding. They point out everything that is like the relationship that she is in and all of the coincidences are mind boggling. As her dream continues she realized it just might not be a dream after all.

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Very fun and informative book.I won a free copy from a Goodreads First Reads giveaway.

Could not get into this one. Maybe I'll go back to it later.

Fun,easy, light-hearted read.

Didn't work out for us :(

Fun read!

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