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Sir Cumference And All The King's Tens (2009)

Sir Cumference and All the King's Tens (2009)

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1570917280 (ISBN13: 9781570917288)

About book Sir Cumference And All The King's Tens (2009)

I really thought this was a cute series. I think that any of these books would be a fantastic addition to any classroom. Not only can you have a fun story to read to the class I think that you can go through and help come up with ideas for how to solve the problem Sir Cumference and Lady Di are faced with. Or help understand different math problems. I think that would help kids see it in a different way or discuss how everyone might come to the same answer but in different ways. Best for kids ages 6 and up.Early Literacy Skills: Vocabulary, Narrative SkillsFrom cover:The guests come marching ten by ten.Sir Cumference and Lady Di are planning a surprise birthday party for King Arthur, but their plans are turning into royal mess. More and more guests arrive, until the castle is full from tower to moat. And the guests need to be fed! The knight and lady race to count tens, hundreds, and even thousands of partygoers in this introduction to place value.Another math adventure with Sir Cumference and his family with this nicely illustrated story about being careful about grouping and place value.

Do You like book Sir Cumference And All The King's Tens (2009)?

I thought this was a cute spin on the old story. I enjoyed this book very much.

This book talks about grouping by tens and place value.

Great book for learning base tens.

MCL. It's about place value.

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