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Sin & Seduction (2012)

Sin & Seduction (2012)

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3.33 of 5 Votes: 1
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1613726791 (ISBN13: 9781613726792)
Dreamspinner Press LLC

About book Sin & Seduction (2012)

I give this negative 1 star. Ugh such a badly written book. It was super cheesy with such a weak plot line. The characters fell so flat and were just dumb. They were so unlikeble and all over the place. This book was just so rushed no developement of characters and the author tried too hard to make the MC's likeble but she failed miserably. I could just go on and on but you get the point is not worth me going into more detail. Bleh. It was so hard to finish this book. The sad thing is I bought this one and the 2nd book Ugh! I will attempt to get thru the next one and see how far I make it but really doubt I will make it too far. Seriously this book was terrible. You've been warned. I must admit, I did not finish this. I couldn't. I had to stop because it just wasn't good. The names were horribly cheesy. I wanted to overlook it but every time I read "Sweet Heat" I wanted to throw my iPad across the room. I knew I was in serious trouble from the get go with the author not understanding her subject matter. I have no idea why the crime boss character talked the way he did. It was a weird attempt at a dialect that totally failed. Continuously referring to someone as a "schmuck" (a Yiddish word) was really bizarre and I got the feeling there were going to be problems right from that first paragraph.The author describes him to be the size of a WWE wrestler and then says that no one would dare laugh at him for his small size. What? Seriously. A man who is just about 6 feet tall and just barely 250 lbs of solid muscle works for WWE. This is not a normal sized man let alone "small". Yet the author says "what he lacked in size". What does he lack in size? Vince McMahon will be calling him up and offering him a job. Seriously, Daniel Bryan is 5'10" and 210 lbs and while he may look small next to other wrestlers, I guarantee he is not next to your average Joe. So "Dorian Grant" is anything but lacking in size. His bodyguard is an absolute monster at 300 lbs and nearly 7' tall! Apparently Kevin Nash works for this guy. Also, I'm pretty sure it's not necessary to remind us Dorian's eyes are brown every few pages. I get it, brown eyes. Enough already.Then we have "Sweet Heat" (seriously why?) taking ecstasy and I could ignore the fact that the author didn't know how the drug works but it's hard to ignore that the author seemed to think swallowing a pill has an onset of about 5 minutes. He took the pill immediately before going onstage to dance and by the time he went out to dance he was "high". Really? You can Google drug onsets if you don't actually know anything about the drug. But this is the sort of thing that makes me hate when authors have their characters use drugs. If you have no idea how they work then don't do it. A "couple of lines" of cocaine? Really, it does not do what you think it does and since you don't know what it does just don't go there.Everything was just weird and contrived and I wanted to keep reading and who knows maybe I'll even give it another go and attempt to get through the story but this just isn't good. The actual writing itself is poor. It seems like the author was totally out of her depth writing about these types of characters/this subject matter. I'd have to recommend skipping this one.

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I'm spent...OMG I need a cold shower now...*sighs happily* (review to follow soon)

I checked this book out from the Libary and it was a nice romantic read.

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