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Silver Ice (2013)

Silver Ice (2013)

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M/M Romance Group @ goodreads

About book Silver Ice (2013)

I'd planned to follow the advice from Bambi and just not say nothin' since I've nothin' nice to say. But I find myself wishing I'd passed on this one, and I just have to be honest.The writing was weak. I'm not sure if it was even copy edited, let alone for content. And yes, I understand this was donated for free for the LHNB event, and I feel like a total bitch, but it made me feel like I'd wasted my time.The characterization was inconsistent. I never did understand what Silver saw in Knox, let alone what convinced him to ditch a boyfriend in Italy to come back on the hope that someday possibly he might get a chance with Knox. And what Knox saw in Silver? No idea.I think the part that frustrated me to the point I'd have simply given up on this if I weren't already on p. 117/131 was when Knox tells Silver that he was only such a slut because he'd not yet met Silver. Okay, so, even if that is supposed to be metaphorical, its still silly. Knox's best friend is dating Silver's best friend. And at one point, we have a scene with Tina and Knox and it's clear they know each other very well. I just can't imagine how Knox can claim they've never met, or even metaphorically "met" if their friends have been dating for 3 years now...So, yes. I'm a bitch. This story just honestly frustrated me and left me grumpy and wishing I could get back my time I spent reading this.Bonus star for being free. I'm all for the playboy getting put in his place, but I also love it when they find the one they are meant to be with. Knox is for sure a playboy but when he finds out Silver likes him that was all it takes for him to try to take it to the next level. I really enjoyed how Silver put him in his place then got sopping drunk and confesses his feelings. Nothing like a little inebriation to make things lively. I'm so glad Silver decided to give Knox a chance and that things turned out the way they did. Great read!!

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Just fell flat for me.

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