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Short People (2004)

Short People (2004)

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3.8 of 5 Votes: 2
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0375714073 (ISBN13: 9780375714078)

About book Short People (2004)

I'm not a huge fan of short story books, but I read this because I had Josh as a professor for two semesters at Eugene Lang and I really enjoyed his novel [Book: Sabotage Cafe]. This one has thread-line going though it that makes for a good read beyond just being great stories. The best way I can describe this book is to say that I'd be wary to recommend it to a lot of folks for fear they'd be pissed off at me after they got all disturbed by the stories, which clearly was the point here. That said their is a lot more then just leaving the reader with an odd sensation going on here, the stories really capture parts of being a kid or teenager that most books miss.

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