Haha I like this book! Ini buku m/m bertema humor ke 3 yg kutemukan setelah One of Those Day (Zathyn Priest) & Drawn Together (ZA Maxfield). Berkisah tentang two law enforcements (Vin & Chris) yg ditugaskan sebagai pasangan suami istri. Bisa ditebak ada banyak kelucuan yg bakal ditemui sepanjang 89 halaman buku. Namun anehnya, dari sekian banyak anggota FBI kenapa Mia bisa memilih pria yg ditugaskan untuk berakting sebagai seorang 'istri' dalam penyamaran tsb, sementara kita pasti sudah tahu banyak agen wanita yg lebih cocok sbg peran tsb ketimbang pria yg menyamar sbg wanita. Barangkali detil seperti ini tidak terlalu dipikirkan oleh Mia. Ia nampak memfokuskan kepada sisi humor dalam ceritanya. Jadi sudah bisa dipastikan novel ini tidak ditujukan untuk membuat kening berkerut atau cenderung berpikir serius. 3,5 stars! 4 1/2 stars - I first heard of She’s Got Balls a few months ago and couldn’t stop laughing at the title. When I decided to do M/M month, this book was at the top of my “buy” list. I haven’t read anything by Mia Watts before She’s Got Balls, but I will certainly be reading much more by this author:Chris Tarpington is a rookie cop on his first undercover operation; problem is, he’s got to act like the female half of a married couple. He decides he’s going to make the other cop play the role of the wife, until he meets him – Dective Vincent Pilk is super-tall, super-buff, and super-gorgeous.Chris is gay but not out to the Force, so when they’re on assignment and Pilk kisses him as part of the role they’re playing…it takes his breath away. Of course, it’s a bit uncomfortable when you’re aroused and your “junk” is stuffed into a pair ofpantyhose! He doesn’t want Pilk to know he has feelings for him, until one evening when they have to practice being “natural” in front of their targets….I don’t usually read short stories, and She’s Got Balls is a perfect example of why – I wanted more!!! She’s Got Balls was funny and sexy and I enjoyed every minute of it. Chris was so funny and chatty and completely head-over-heels for Pilk, and Pilk was silent and broody and sexy as hell. This was one book I did not want to put down!
Do You like book She's Got Balls (2009)?
Funny, cute, sweet and exciting, too bad it's too short
light and funny read. hot sex too !!good book.