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Sharks (1995)

Sharks (1995)

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0060230290 (ISBN13: 9780060230296)

About book Sharks (1995)

This informational text discusses sharks. It is a picture book for young to older elementary students. There is a fascination with sharks for people at any age. My Kindergartners and I read this book and they were really into it! Even the ones that have a fear of sharks (myself included) are intrigued by these beasts of the ocean. This book discusses the shark body, different types of sharks, shark babies, people and sharks and sharks as predators. It is a perfect book to use to talk about the Table of Contents, non fiction, titles and headings and supporting evidence and details. This could be incorporated into a science unit on predators, water life, ancient animals, adaptations, or people's interactions with their environment. You could also use it in a lesson about previewing a book by taking a picture walk through the book first before reading. What was good about the book?It gave me more information on sharks wich helped me learn more.This book also helped me learn about sharks having no bones and that they have something called cartillage.This book helped in learning much.Describe the characters or the main idea.The main idea was on sharks life's.It talks about the things that sharks eat.It talks about their weakness.Explain the audience of the book(ages,interests)There were no humans only sharks.I guess this makes sharks the main characters.This book is for people who like and want to learn about sharks. Osvaldo Nunez

Do You like book Sharks (1995)?

I love sharks

I love sharks!awesome!
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It's a little freaky but it's awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I like the shark book because it has many pictures. The whale shark is my favorite.

I need to read this book some how

Breif informational story

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