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Shades Of People (2009)

Shades of People (2009)

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4.05 of 5 Votes: 5
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0823421910 (ISBN13: 9780823421916)
Holiday House

About book Shades Of People (2009)

Shades of People by Shelley Rotner, is a wonderful addition to any classroom. This book, introduces children to people with a wide variety of differences. This book features people with a wide variety of skin colors who are equally beautiful. It also demonstrates that people can have different skin colors and still be in the same family.Shelley Rotner's book encourages dialogue about acceptance and diversity and after reading her biography I learned that, to create awareness about diversity was her goal when she writes her children's books.I would use this book in my classroom to teach awareness, about the diversity of people around the world, and to teach about family. Growing up I struggled with the idea that I did not look like my siblings, a book like this would have showed me that it was and is okay not to look like the people in your family. The photos are lovely and this book is a simple way to talk to your kids about race and generally the ways in which we're the same or different. After reading "Nurtureshock" by Po Bronson, I'd say this book is useful to many parents. The chapter in his book about how uncomfortable many parents are with discussing race with their children leads me to believe that having a way to open the door to that conversation could be really helpful.

Do You like book Shades Of People (2009)?

Good book to use to show students we are all different, but alike and all individuals

My favorite line "Our skin is just our covering, like wrapping paper."

Very nice book with lots of photos of kids.

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