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Sex Tips For Straight Women From A Gay Man (1997)

Sex Tips for Straight Women from a Gay Man (1997)

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0060392320 (ISBN13: 9780060392321)
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About book Sex Tips For Straight Women From A Gay Man (1997)

Is there a secret to sex that gay men know and women don't?Nah, of course there isn't. But maybe there are still people out there who appreciate being educated in safe sex, growers and show-ers and how to avoid gagging (author's advice: relax your muscles, coordinate your breathing, Mr. Stiffy is your friend :p). But then again, they probably wouldn't be the sort of people who pick up books with "sex" or "gay" in the title?What caught my interest when browsing through this book though, was that "Gay men never swallow". They certainly do in my m/m books, so the reasons behind this bold statement made me a little curious. Turns out they don't to, according to the authors, avoid STD's and because it takes away the thrill of (I suppose I should put this in a spoiler for modesty reasons) (view spoiler)[ seeing someone ejaculate (hide spoiler)]

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