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Sewing In A Straight Line: Quick And Crafty Projects You Can Make By Simply Sewing Straight (2011)

Sewing in a Straight Line: Quick and Crafty Projects You Can Make by Simply Sewing Straight (2011)

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3.76 of 5 Votes: 4
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0307586650 (ISBN13: 9780307586650)
Potter Craft

About book Sewing In A Straight Line: Quick And Crafty Projects You Can Make By Simply Sewing Straight (2011)

I checked this out from the library as part of a bunch I pulled in order to help me teach my two younger daughters to sew. I think that this one has a lot going for it, in that there are several projects the 15yo is interested in making and none require a lot of time or material, but I think that there are places where the instructions are somewhat lacking. If either of the girls were trying to use this book on her own, there would be times when each would have difficulties. However, since I am an experienced seamstress, the book is a very good adjunct to our lessons. I really love the concept of this book - that succesful sewing is as easy as sewing in a straight line. There is good information up front in this book for beginners on everything from tools to techniques and the author writes from her own personal sewing experience. The projects definitely have a modern style, and although I don't care for all of the garment projects (I do like the Sewing School Skirt) it is good to see a book for beginners that includes a variety of clothing. I do love the Magic Sewing Kit, the 9 to 5 Folder, and the Bucket Tote and plan on making at least one of each of those projects. The best thing about this book is the uncluttered way it is presented with clear illustrations and nice photographs. Good for beginners and even better for confident beginners who already have a little sewing experience under their belt.

Do You like book Sewing In A Straight Line: Quick And Crafty Projects You Can Make By Simply Sewing Straight (2011)?

Sew (haha) many projects! I can't wait to dig in beyond just looking at the pictures and dreaming.

Really great, easy directions to follow for a beginner or someone who's trying to re-learn.

I have always liked Brett Bara and was expecting more from this book.

646.4 Bapg 121 A folded fabric bowl I MUST try!

Good variety of doable but modern projects.

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